Saturday, November 29, 2008

don b lazy again d...promise myself

really very toilsome 2 prepare the exam.........bec normal days lazy.........i got 2 promis myself next yr won do it 2 study every week n go popular 2 read some book like my friend did......don 1 scared scared de go into the exam hall....really don 1 make myself into tat situation which go into exam hall only start interpret the question slowly.....its so hard for me to accept the fact tat may b fail...may b fail...or sometimes sure fail(may b i b come greedy d,bec last time fail is nothing for me...form 2 tat time fail 8 sub wor,hu wil care the result ady o?).....zzzzzz.......but now really don 1 try it 1 again like sej in spm...tat time study til 4 o'clock...just sleep 2 hr only,but atleast it gav me C...hmm its C or B arr...forget d...^ ^ happy tat time saw sej pass,bec i always got 20++ in school =.=!!but 4 o'clock o...really hard i think i was trying it again for t7 again...but atleast can sleep til out late the next day,bec exam start in afternoon.........this is the good thing for college(can sleep til so late)wakakaka...but also the bad thing...make u b come lazier...lolfew more minutes then is the last day for me 2 study d...eye like dropping down d......T T

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